I’ve been out of touch because my wife was hospitalized. Just saw Billy again thinks that his God has some sort of preference over others and he...
Again, since you ignored it the first time, “fun” isn’t deciding to engage in Putin or Third Reich-style imperialism for an American lebensraum....
Don’t expect consistency from Billy or the Republicans. “How does it benefit my tribe” is all they care about.
Billy finds my posts funny. Billy doesn’t like responding with substance because Billy doesn’t have any. It’s really sad how many adults in this...
When I was recruiting for my prior employer, several members of my team would routinely mock anyone with clearly “black” names as being...
Aren’t you a moderator? Isn’t “climate idiots” against recent requests to dial back personal insults? If I say you’re suffering from...
I’m sorry if facts hurt your feelings. The EC was partly justified by the fact that slave states had a far more limited number of white male...
Yea, but you gotta make sure those slave states maintain political power in… *checks notes* 2025.
“Had warts?!” The man sexually assaulted women. Is threatening to invade our allies. Had a charity for kids that defrauded people. Made fun of a...
How do Donald’s boots taste? Curious. I bet you’d sing the opposite tune if it was Hunter. Personally? I say air it all. You shouldn’t be immune...
….and this sort of behavior is precisely why I’m certain things will get worse. We see it on these boards, between the poster I called out, a...
One can always count on this poster’s depth, nuance, and relevancy to add to any discussion. I still feel like there’s a not-insignificant...
Now do the state, like here. Stop cherry picking. LA gets most of its water from well outside the metro area. This is from mid-2024 to today....
Do you understand the difference between an “excuse” and “reality?” I’m pretty sure that even if the CA government produced a magic force field...
Literally half of California’s acreage is a major fire hazard. Do you have any clue the logistics needed to mobilize that sort of preventative...
Facts suck, don’t they?
Ancient Rome approves of this post.
I cannot imagine what sort of “preventative remedy” you can have for regions that are massive, dry, and basically evolved to resist wildfires....
Adding to the other poster who called out your two-faced argument on insurance rates: California is sinking tons of resources into fire prevention...