I want to see how Trump spins this. If he was telling the truth, he would say something like, "This is the worse jobs report since I was in...
Hahaha.... these deplorables are ready for Trash day. Hopefully the people who really love this country, warts and all, will be taking out the...
He can't help but punch back. A more scary reason could be that he really is going to go after his political opponents if he gets elected, and...
I was actually returning to this thread to say I agree, the title is inaccurate. However, he was still saying shit that shouldn't be said. All...
Not often do I get to accurately use the off topic on the OP. Congrats.
I think the recorder was behind the Saw that. Was trying to figure out who started the physical part, but it looked like the women tried to...
You do realize that the Far Right have infected the EU too don't you?
That is exactly what I was saying. The dude was having a serious case of being tongue tied and screwed up what he was trying to say. Thanks for...
I believe it is a coordinated effort by many in the Trump campaign to try and put viral tweets out that claim they are being cheated. I saw...
Oh my god .... I don't think he knows that ObamaCare is the same as ACA. Too freakin funny.
He loses, the price of that stock goes to $0.01. It is a joke of a stock without the possibility of bribing the President.
No, he stole ballots and then went on social media to try and claim the machines were rigged.
I've posted this before, but will repeat it. The only ones who have to pay for their own insurance is the middle aged middle class. Very young...
Yeah, you already have insurance from the Government, what do you need with private insurance. Who cares about anyone else.
I am all for doing something about our National Debt.... it is getting out of control But it needs to be done smart and slowly. Crashing our...
I don't know the difference between the cancers, but am glad they got yours before it was too late. It is a horrible disease. But none of us are...
Had a buddy who was anti-ACA. Great guy. Unfortunately, he came down with pancreatic cancer. After several months he had to quit his job...
So Pubs go on and on about Joe's inability to get a sentence out straight, but pounce on this clearly garbled line as if it is exactly what he...
It was a direct reply to a question about what Joe said. Good grief...