That seems petty and trolling, and also seems like it undermines efforts for those groups actually trying to find acceptance in the world to...
I'll admit I chuckled at No 4.
I think this crap is more a sign of Trump's grade school bully tactics than his racism. He's insulted the names of every political opponent he's...
Nah, I’m just fresh out of [patience] for anyone that can look at Trump’s resume and behavior and think he’s worthy of championing. I’m happy to...
I’m speaking about the diehard MAGA crowd that shows up to the rallies and buys Trump shoes and whatever other bs he peddles to them. Sure there...
Their primary reason is "because [screw] liberals." It's really not much deeper than that. As long as all his worst traits, his crassness, his...
If Trump is asked about this incident, do you reckon he'll say that there were good people on both sides, like when James Alex Fields Jr., a...
Hey, at least she knows that Hannibal Lector isn't a real person. Which ties into my "fake scandal" guess: Hannibal is actually real and he ate...
The curtain was pulled back on Biden 4 weeks ago, and he's now withdrawn with the party moving forward. The curtain was pulled back on Trump years...
Are you sure that's real? I don't think he's allowed to talk with his Mother unless his wife is present.
Sleepy Don is a Disaster!!!
79% of Democrats in a recent poll said they preferred a different candidate to Biden. One would think with all the experience you’ve amassed...
I know the difference between actual principles and flavored bullshit, so I'm a conservative who is no longer a Republican.
Just a guess, but the GOP's trying to appeal to blue collar whites that are part of labor unions in Michigan and Pennsylvania. I'm not sure what...
Regardless of the semantics, or that either interpretation is a highly questionable opinion, in what world is he an educated authority to make...
You're saying the quiet parts out loud again, Rick.
The reverse correlation between a lot of the states with top 10 "best economies"/"best workforces" but bottom 20 "quality of life" is interesting.
IIRC, she's Kanye West's ex, so she should be familiar with toxic narcissists.
Like every other whore that has been with Trump, they'll be his bed fellow for as long as he'll let them be that close to the money or power.