Mia has shed her “ freshman 15”, as my daughters called it-a weight gain between hs and frosh year as an athlete in various sports. Fantastic work...
Teammates in action with the call…nice
Four nice lefties in the lineup
Lastly on LAX, Coach Regy Thorpe is the real deal defensively for Amanda imo
Love it and hope it works!!
The Hamilton girl, the #4 A from Atlanta and a lefty, has four goals and two others disallowed, is fun to watch vs Kennesaw State. Take a look at...
MIA’s fitness on display this year…love it
She was grossly underrated until the last few weeks of the year…imo
Is Comia playing a position post hr?
Can’t wait to see that
She overhauled her body. Not too many things an athlete can do that pleases a coach more than that kind of commitment. Jmho
Stuck in San Antonio with 7326 channels but no Gators. Thnx for the pbp stream fellas
What’s the health status of Oxley? Probably more excited of her pitches that anyone else, to be honest
With a flick of her wrist and forearm
Ava has something to prove on the mound this year, imo
Thnx to all for the feed
Bunch of crap, and Floridagators.com will charge you for the freaking AudifreakingO stream. Sh*t
No broadcast even on Floridagators.com unless you want to pay. Pisses me royally