There's a few more heroes that I have other than DeSantis. Lila Grace Rose Matthew Kacsmaryk
No and never. If JJ Watt identifies as a 6 year old, can he play on the elementary school football team?
I just tell them that my wife left with a cop a week ago and I was nervous they were bringing her back.
Alternatively, can get her the 500 S&W Magnum. :D
My pug just had twins so I have been calling her a Mother Pugger.
Reason I say MSM is because they frequently have a habit of not only using clickbait article headlines, but also inaccurate reporting. When I say...
Extremely misleading (if not downright defamation/libel) clickbait thread title, much like mainstream media. - First trimester abortion pills at...
Ruger LCP II is decent; despite it's tiny size (smaller than a cell phone), it has fairly low recoil. How tall is she? If not that, then Sig...
100% the truth. Certain segment (notably - extreme leftists, hippies) like to call everyone who disagree with them terms like human trash, etc,...
I once tried to sue her for defamation of character; then I realized I have no character. - Charles Barkley
16 and 10% as referenced by the OP. Don't see how we can use the blanket term "disenfranchise" for something that affects a vastly small percent...
I knew this thread would eventually devolve to egg throwing, sooner or later. For the record, I am "non-white" and religiously unaffiliated...
You confuse me with Robert Kraft. Which I never claimed to be. :D
The PEOPLE of Florida beg to differ with you. People are moving here, not leaving. The masses are voting for him, not against him. Those who...
Here's a brief list of his accomplishments: *Born to middle class family. Had no connections to anyone in politics nor Hollywood. No athletic...
Best governor, in the best state, in the greatest country of the world. Everyone will always get my respect 100%, unless they lose it. In this...
Not what I expected, but quite an explosive development.
Move witch, get out the way! Get out the way witch, get out the way!
There was once a young girl from Havana Who slipped on a peel of banana She's about to swear But her momma was there So she hummed, the...