Let's not split hairs on this. Anytime anyone is married with kids, we instantly have a greater sense of trust than someone single without kids,...
Other than being perceived as acting like an a-hole, there's nothing policy-wise that he's done, that is actually bad for the country politically...
Not at all. Uncle Sam and Corporate America have access to 100x more money, manpower, and resources than any civilian population. If they want to...
Being a far-right conservative (you can see my posts praising DeSantis, amongst others); it is 200% true that crime decreased the past 3-4...
Very ef'ing ridiculous.
Not sure how this indicates that race played an issue. By the looks of it, the male in the hat appears to have a strong beef with someone, as if...
Once we capture all of the Hamas terrorists, we should force em to eat Olive Garden food. That would be true cruel and unusual punishment. :D...
My little pug is expecting, so I called her a mother pugger.
Matt Araiza? He was clearly not guilty; never charged, never arrested and the investigation proved his accuser to be a troll, ala Duke Lacrosse...
Blue State America and their draconian gun laws will be their undoing, just like deep red states and their abortion laws.
Without compromising any privacy or providing gratuitous information... I know Mr. Adrian personally for a long time since I was a kid. There...
Recently read Ron DeSantis's book "The Courage to Be Free." Make no mistake, it's not an autobiography nor a documentary, but rather a memoir of...
Replacement cost /=/ market value. A shoebox in downtown NYC is worth more for resale on the market than a 2000 square foot home in rural...
For a second, I thought this thread title was referring to Jonathan Kendrick Lewis.
100% right decision. DeSantis went about it poorly with his "stop woke" tactics but there is no reason for a corporation like Disney to have such...
Looks like he passed away a few days ago on 12/27 at the age of 94. Legacy is undeniable as his pistols are almost universally used by many/most...
Or "People Eat Turkeys Annually". I gotta think of a few more, haha.
PETA = People Eat Termites Annually
"Ignore the question, attack, attack, attack" is the strategy to go in debating. Blatantly unfortunate in today's times but that is reality what...
If the election takes longer than 3 hours, please consult a physician.