Takes job at FIU as the interim president. Not completely unsurprising; goes from $135,000 annual salary to 875,000. If that gig works out, I...
Not good news at all, but great news.
Clickbait misleading thread title; I clicked it and read the post, am not surprised.
Tuberville's not completely wrong.
Reminds me of my elementary school times in Miami back in the day. Kids pranked me into believing the Star-Spangled Banner's lyrics were "Jose...
Cure to cancer will almost never to be released because it would be too much financial loss for the medical and pharmaceutical community. It's not...
My opinion is to create "tiers" of concealed carry permits. One for 'normal' civilians who go nowhere but Walmart, Publix, and home. Another for...
My opinion is that states where the verdict is within 1% point, each candidate receives a portion/fraction of the electoral votes. What way, it...
Blue cities. New Orleans, Memphis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Cleveland, Birmingham...enough said.
NISSAN = Needs Imminent Salvage, So Abandon Now
Had a loud noise coming from my car this morning; luckily it was a very easy fix. Turned down the volume from the Taylor Swift CD.
Not at all. The left has gone far left, such that anyone that's not far left is now (insert their choice of derogatory word/phrase).
[ATTACH] 50 Cent elected president.
As James Carville would say, "it's the economy, stupid!" This is what happens when you run as a single-issue candidate and have no plans nor...
In the first video with the bald guy in a hat, good police work that's not pretty. As the saying goes, "ATM." Ask Tell Make
Personally speaking, looking for moral character amongst a group of politicians is like looking for a prostitute that's a virgin. Except the...
Best analogy I can give is "Elian Gonzalez defeated Al Gore." Obviously, not 100% of the same similarity, degree, or severity but the perception...
Depending on how the question is phrased in an poll, that is very probable. Because in real life, perception and reality are two different things....