Just think about our lack of depth. We have no reliable pinch hitters.
Let's steal this W.
How bout now?
Good points no doubt
Yeah that catcher would have easily caught that relay and made the tag. My bad.
Break that ice!
I'll watch it again, but it seemed to me he was around the bag well ahead of the cutoff.
We can disagree. I've seen a play like that not only result in a run, but the ball getting away from the catcher and the runner going to third...
Now this challenge is NOT a game changer like the play at third
In the majors I assume an incredible play will be made. In college if you make that incredible play, hats off to you. The likely hood of that...
At least we saved an unnecessary challenge. We challenge and keep it to 1 run. We bunt runners over we add a run. That run should have made it 2-2!
I hope we don't make that baserunning mistake again. Wing's heart can't take it.
I know, I know. That's why you send him though. That's a big missed chance.
Needed to send the runner there. I hope we don't regret that.
I hope Wing fast forwards the part where we didn't send the runner home on that
Happy Father's Day. Time for Jac to show them who their daddy is.
You are not the size of Donay and batting in the bottom third for no reason.
Let's get crooked. Like Georgia crooked. IYKYK.
So that crap a walk is as good as a hit was a lie? It's going to take awhile for me to get over this.