The only problem with that is their government won't use the money for their people or infrastructure. The people of Cuba will never be ok with a...
The big difference in Cuba and the rest of the countries we have tried regime change is that the Cuban people as a whole, those in Cuba and those...
We have two choices, tell the Cuban people to deal with it themselves and try to overthrow their government or maybe try to change their...
Make a new category for Trans individuals.
I commend you for being consistent but I still believe thats the wrong way to go about it. Its done, it happened. If we give the people who are...
Its old but a good read and I may have posted it before. There has to be another solution. Mass deportation is going to really hurt in a lot of...
Chatgpt could be wrong but basically our two besties [ATTACH]
Shockingly whether its true or not in reality, not many people take too kindly at being labelled, looked down on or belittled for who they plan to...
Yellow lab but they shed like a mofo. Just a big ass wannabe lapdog that lives for belly rubs and yes, barks at mormons or johovas or if a nearby...
Its all good, the left lost a whole election not understanding what people are saying and misrepresenting them and their true intentions. You can...
What policies are championed around here by those who are simply "anti Trump" that you would say are on the right or conservative?
Absolutely believe it. Its not a hard set rule though. Around here its mostly the usual suspects. With that said, there are plenty here on the...
The Democratic party needs to get away from identity politics.
If only book smarts were an Olympic event, amiright?
Im just trying to help you guys win the next election. If you don't want my help thats fine, disregarding what I've been saying for years got you...
You cant make this up. Plenty of opinions and snippy posts on this thread and guess who are the only ones that are giving "negative" ratings like...
Rule #1 about holes... When you find yourself in one, stop digging.
Well Kamala only lost because she was a black women, right?
With all due respect, you're completely delusional with regards to this opinion.
One day you'll have a pony that does more than one trick. [IMG]