I’m looking forward to the bowl game… and to next season. The Gator Football Program is in a massive rebuild. Greater talent level is coming in....
We need a quick throw QB who can beat the defense. Someone like Trask.
Maybe the players that remain want to play the Bowl Game. Meanwhile CBN is restocking with better product (talent). Let’s Go Gators!
Nice comments by AR. Wish him all the best in the NFL. The man has class. Go Gators!
Things just need to play out. Let it happen. Go Gators!
I wonder how accurate he is. Just kidding. I was just being a Gator fan.
Oh yeah, there’s real help out there… it’s called The Power of God. Man by himself can’t do it, I understand that.
I hope he learns from his mistakes and becomes a better man for it.
To all those Gators moving on to the Transfer Portal: 1). Thank you for choosing to be Gators. and for contributing to the Gator program in...
How about a pre-season warm up game with another team that doesn’t count as a win or a loss on the upcoming season. I’d rather have a pre-season...
If an NFL team wants him now show him the money.
Just making room for an upgrade.
I could be wrong but… I think Billy knows the level of play these players have, and knows they played to the best of their ability for the most...
In all kinds of weather, all kinds…IT’S GREAT TO BE A FLORIDA GATOR. Always and forever! Recruiting has been great. Adjustments will happen....