Obviously, rape as a weapon in war is horrific and should be condemned. The objection by Tlaib is that it only condemns one army of sexual...
It does seem hypocritical to me. On the other hand, Biden needs to connect with younger voters and this is a smart way to do it. He has a wicked...
Since Russia invaded Ukraine, NATO funding by member nations has been increasing reaching a median 1.87% of GDP. NATO is becoming stronger, that's...
The agreement only requires countries to contribute, it is recommended to contribute 2% of GDP, but there is no law that it has to be 2%. They are...
That's why it's bizarre for Trump to undermine security or why anyone in the US would want a weaker alliance with an aggressive Russia. The...
I I think the hypothetical question for me would be - if Biden were found guilty of sexual assault, then defamation of the woman, and had bragged...
That's the way Trump and MAGA will portray it and it's a political gift to Trump. The report goes on to compare the differences between the...
I believe they need to focus on turning down a bipartisan border security bill. In order to make Trump's ego more secure
A wee edit
Translation, no way to defend Trumps' stupidity
First, I never said it made it impossible to hit Iran. Second, if Trump waved them around to random journalists, how do you know he didn't allow...
If military lives were on the line, and Trump waived war plans in front of journalists who may have looked through them, I think you would have to...
If you were planning an attack on Iran and journalists had been exposed to the plans, would you assume that nothing was revealed that could...
I think you are, he was holding up the military unclassified war plans to Iran to a group of journalists, acknowledging they were highly...
CNN originally reported it - I think they are free
https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2023/06/26/donald-trump-audio-recording-iran-documents/ You can listen to his own words
Ironic that we are planning a potential attack either in or around Iran and Trump publicly shared our classified war plans for attacking Iran. Not...
It's the GOP platform du jour
There was a dip after the tariffs which recovered. However, that is in contrast to the majority of US economists calling the tariffs one the...
Where are you seeing that? The 10 yr chart for the Shanghai index is relatively flat from 2016 to present - usual ups and downs but nothing like...