It is on the West coast. If you go from east to west it is no where close to the center or Central. I think of Central florida as more centered...
Nothing Central about St Pete
I gree. His W. Carolina team would probably beat the Florida team I saw Saturday.
You really think criminals are buying guns at gun shows? You don't have a clue.
It was illegal for the guy to rob someone and most likely he was not a legal gun owner so he was already breaking laws. Do you think he would care...
Sure they will is that how they stopped the sale of drugs.
And with all the laws and restrictions on guns and ammo in California it did not prevent this shooting.
Yes he is and the QB for Western Carolina is Cole Gonzales who is Coach Billy Gonzales son.
We call Gainesville mini California. Of course they have the highest taxes and and managed to bankrupt the city owned GRU. Lots of rules and...
They sure do although Publix has plastic straws in the deli. I always get some extras as the paper straws are no good. It is either Gainesville or...
It is in Gainesville also. Ocala is about 3.35.
The QB from a couple of years ago may have been. I can remember a few he chunked into the stands. One was the last play of the game we were losing.
Then you will get busted for having a plastic straw. Gainesville has a city ordinance against plastic straws.
Most old guys are to old for fighting and also realize many including old guys conceal carry these days so it is best to avoid trouble. Of course...
Gainesville Florida's open container law has changed in 2024
Sure, but the people in the 1960's and 70's would not have known the song for the most part if it had not been such a popular song for high school...
I am sure Ole Miss and other Southern schools including Florida playing it at football games while waving the confederate flag caused the song to...
Kerwin Bells Western Carolina is leading a ranked NC State team late in the 3rd quarter
The top recruits these days are not looking at the win loss record these days. They are looking at the NIL money. Florida screwed up getting set...
The 84 team was not just the best in the SEC they were the 1984 SEC Champions and should be recognized as such.