I met my wife at Jai Alai 27 years ago.
If the Gators beat the 4 left on the schedule they will make the playoffs even if they lose all the other games. :devil:
That was just a poke at the lefties and the statement I quoted. Sarcasm for the most part. Not really anything to do with what happened here like...
No way he could have passed a background check. A gun or pawn shop has to much to lose and to little to gain by selling him the gun without a...
Thats different. Most time the Lefties blame the gun.
News is reporting that he is a convicted felon from North Carolina and living in Hawaii. Some of his charges are because he was a felon and had a...
Who is bothering him? I don't think he is being forced to go on the talk shows he does and give his opinions. I never said I thought he would be...
That's odd to say, being that he is on a weekly talk show and does multiple podcast with Pat Dooley and others. He is also a guest on national...
They would not be my choice for defending from inside a frame home because of the bullets going through the walls of the home. Barrel length is...
The M16A1 was used in Vietnam in full auto in some cases depending on the situation. It was definitely capable of full auto.
Just think we could have had a crackhead for Governor if the Dem's would have gotten their way.
I hate it for Mertz but if the first drive or two fail it will get real ugly with the boo birds in the Swamp.
Of course it will be Kerwin Bell :D Now I am hearing Bill Belichick is wanting to coach next year so he would be the backup plan. :ninja2:
I know it is a factor in Canada as well as the value of the dollar in Canada vs USA.
He looked very unhappy at the half
Is he in a central Florida basement?
DJ was pointing to the ear hole in his helmet like he could not hear the play call.
You seem to know a lot of about these porn shops.
It would be nice if they could have flagged the dads background after the FBI was aware of the kids problems. I am not sure how good those...
[ The problem here is the idiot gave the gun to his mentally ill kid. The dad may have passed a background check, had training but it does not...