So the SCOTUS ruling on Presidential Immunity is going to work out well for Biden here. Trying to use the powers of the President to add an...
The right to choose not to put yourself in mortal danger if you do not want to? Yes.
Let me know if you think it is after you crossed a line of departure with a condition one weapon in a declared area of hostility.
Probably (a). The Biden Admin was pressuring the National Archives to certify it. The National Archives have said the ERA "cannot be certified as...
The right to not have to service your country in the military during a full mobilization of the country similar to WWII, Korea, and Vietnam.
President Biden has declared that the 28th Amendment is now the law of the land. That is.........interesting? [MEDIA]
Counting down to being called MAGA in 3,...2,...1,.....
And now there is money involved: [MEDIA]
Please see posts #211 and #213 in this thread. They explain the guardrails within the DoD Chain of Command.
From politico but had to go through about 10 different links on article....
It was Thanksgiving dinner. I thought one posters claimed to hear something about a coaching search or recruiting and brought it to one of the...
The stories I could tell.....:D Who was the poster that actually claimed knowledge of it?
I'm sorry but I'm past the point of trying to explain very complicated things like Command Relationships, OPCON, TACON, ADCON, Supported versus...
I've already said Hegseth is not qualified to be SecDef, what more do you want? I think if the General(s) think the order is illegal, they and...
So you would define victory as returning back to the pre-2014 borders?
I did not like what happened on June 1st, 2020 and I think it was a terrible look for the AG, SecDef and CJCS to be with Trump when Trump did...
Fine with it as long as I stay a Nole fan.
How do you define an imminent threat? Is it time based? Distance based? The point you do not seem to get is that what an "unlawful order given by...