I have to shut down my iPhone and restart when that happens. Always fixes it….for a while
Phone or computer?
Was at the game- my daughter just started attending Boulder. Crazy game, great crowd. They actually seemed to take the loss well all things...
This far in and no one has said This will help Miami more than you will ever know.
He's been advising one of the Supervisors in the County where I live, resulting in our Board cancelling the Dominion contract and moving to hand...
Explains some posters here: The Ukrainian Main Military Intelligence Directorate (GUR) reported that the Kremlin is currently focused on...
Its not her friends, many of whom abhor her comments but otherwise love her personality. And she's really quite a sweet person as long as you keep...
Unfortunately, my sister thinks this way. She's a fervent Trumper and believes most Qonspiracies. Won't vaccinate her dog and doesn't believe...
Bud Light is beer?
I wonder how many times he practiced that scowl this week. Would guess he took practice photos to be sure he got the look he wanted, since there...
I became a fairly attractive Asian woman on facebook after a hack. I'm sure my friends think I've gone through some life changes. I know someone...
And more donations to Trump's PAC......
“War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things: the decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is...
That's weak sauce, even for you.
Plus, the exceptions are hypocritical and thrown in for purely political purposes. If you think abortion is murder, then there should be no...
It doesn’t matter what you call it-it’s a losing issue for the theocrats. So people like UFL can keep pumping their extreme view and losing at the...
Don't be so negative - this was Desantis creating employment opportunities for the auto repair business.
Interesting. He's already helped screw things up where I live in Northern California with his election denial/Dominion voting machine BS, and did...
To me it’s not him being self-destructive (though he has a tendency to openly commit or confess to his crimes and has poor diet and exercise...