Pun intended?
No worries, Trump will bring him to heel.
Don't you know chemtrails engineered by the deep state control weather? Lots of believers here in Northern California - especially among the...
He never was one to ask a woman's consent for something he wanted.....
Is your concern financial waste? Do you fear for the boys safety? What’s the concern?
Why is that even an “issue”? This is sheer idiocy.
I definitely won't be voting for Biden!
That she’s a puppeteer?
Who is going to overturn it? It’s the Alabama Supreme Court.
I thought my post was neutral-I was simply curious given what he/she said earlier. Hardly hostile and inhospitable. Mods - feel free to delete if...
I recall you saying you only joined this board to get intel for your betting and that you'd be leaving soon to join the real world, or something...
Umm, that's not a newsflash to anyone here. I'm guessing you were raised on those beliefs.
If true that’s tragic.
Let the whining commence!
DMV “partners” can’t issue DLs in California; you have to go to the DMV office, none of which are county run. They are State agencies. Your...
You are just ignorant. There is no County DMV in California. Where I live, the CCW Permits are issued by the County Sheriff, say “Shasta County...
You are correct. Its the counties that issue the permits. Freely available in Shasta County where I live. I don't think you can get one in San...
For that to be true, thousands of season ticket holders missed game 1 of the Minnesota series and caught every other home playoff game. Doubtful....
Ticky tacky....
These refs stink.