Funny how this comes up now, but I’m not sure how it raises the quality of the discourse. Better to ban it altogether, IMO, though I did love...
I think I see the issue: You actually think your opinions are facts, and apparently don't know the difference. Similar to many followers of the...
You're a flat earther, aren't you?
So you're looking for a word to replace leftist or progressive the way MAGA replaced right wing or conservative? Seems like we need a cult leader...
He’s big on ivermectin too….
Looks like that "small amount" is estimated to range from $550 Billion to $1.5 Trillion over the next 10 years, and given the other proposals,...
Waiting for the MAGAts to get their spin on this from Breitbart or Alex Jones so they can start telling us how meaningless this is and also worth...
Don't you think that was the point?
Do you think any of the actions we are seeing are the Orange Skidmark’s original idea?
Idiotic, not just irresponsible and dishonest. This is one of those times where you would think someone with their head up Skidmark's ass would...
Will you unpack your statement for me? 1. Who are the Feds in this instance? 2. What do you mean by "stealing from tax payers"? 3. If the "Feds"...
In Jesus' name, amen.
“Nigerians” isn’t a race.
Who gets to actually use water is state controlled under State water right laws, with a limited exception for federally reserved water rights (not...
Yes Yes - they are fairly small flood control reservoirs. One is 185kaf and the other is 85 kaf. ACOE is in the flood control game. Sounds like...
My advice would be to do a better job of not letting the other side define your priorities and policies so that people don't think all you care...
Meal Team Six is standing by.
So you know its a lie but don't care cause "Biden" - got it.
Now Elon has taken over the entire database of federal employee information at OPM, all as part of destroying the federal workforce. What could go...
Wow. You really are upset. Take too much ivermectin today?