NYT said the federal government already has an estimated $19 billion in seized bitcoin. The Orange Skidmark can use that to establish the reserve....
They'll side with the Orange Skidmark for sure.
So true. It reminds me of how he acted on The Apprentice (hangs head in shame for watching The Apprentice).
I agree Russia had its reasons - that isn't what we are talking about. The question is whether those reasons were consistent with international...
Still irrelevant to the fact that Putin didn't follow international law, sweetie.
The false analogy in your incomplete hypothetical is irrelevant to the question of whether Putin followed international law when Russia invaded...
That's a false analogy and VAg8r1 is prescient. Let me summarize our discussion: "If you think I got a fact wrong spit it out" "Russia's...
I agree. But lots of people claimed there were no WMDs in Iraq and should have been listened to. That still doesn't make Ritter right on whether...
Not in my opinion, but I'm not afraid to call out my country for its bad actions. I'd like to see the Venn diagram of people who say there were...
I'm not surprised you found someone on the internet that agrees with you, especially someone known for being used by Russia to promote Kremlin...
Now you've moved the goalposts. Putin didn't follow international law, which is what you claimed. He just pointed to the ICJ's advisory opinion...
I think it is pathetic that you can't just answer the question without trying to bring in something you claim the U.S. did, which is completely...
You said: "US set the precedent for Russia's invasion of the Donbas and annexation of Crimea. Russia tried to follow international law." I...
Laughable. Let's pretend you aren't a Russian simp. If you were simping for Russia, how would your posts be any different? Apply the same...
Is Russia bad or good?
The Putin shills speak.
Westlaw and Lexis are offering AI-based legal research and writing products, but they use their respective legal databases. These guys were...
Lots of proponents of that theory here in Northern California.
I think he's saying he would rather see any legislation passed in Florida, regardless of merit or basis, than see a liberal person in Florida. But...