Did you enjoy head Hole acting like an asshole? I didn’t. They have done much worse. Shall we count the ways?
End of game show of class by Norvellllllllll another reason why we should drop this game. SS needs to be put on notice
Billy should punch him in the face
Norvell is an ass
Where have you been all night?
Ha ha! F*%# Noles
Napier needs to go where Solomon Thomas is sitting and drop a bag in his lap and say that he’s expecting his commitment in 20 minutes
Ron Zoom field rocking tonight!
Screw you Noles! Go home now
Billy should kick the ball now
Did the head Hole just call time out?
Wow! 13
Okay I just got to know. What is with the two dudes, the Glitter Twins? Are they not like fifty years old now and still doing this? Have they not...
You happy bro? Screw the Holes!
Me too!
They got a dude who was fired from a program with a fake national championship that they actually post
We need to remember, he is a true freshman who was playing high school football at this time less than a year ago