Context is needed here. Coach started out on the hot seat before the season began. Full support dried up after the first game. Fans began lining...
A class filled with a bunch of free agents and guns for hire who will bail to the next highest bidder a year later when they don’t get their way.
Who does their rankings? The Glitter Boys? On what planet is this even remotely possible? Only on Hole World.
Would have liked to have him in the class, but I am less disappointed in that he spurned the Holes. My only complaint is that I would have loved...
Quick! Stuff more in the bag and make it an offer he can’t refuse!!!
Sounds like mom was in it for the bag? I get that Oregon is number one, but it’s the other end of the country, over 160 days of cold, dreary rain,...
Key point, if real!
So it’s not just me? Ditto what you said!
Was not committed for long. November 23rd? Was that 2023?
Gators kill the Noles Norvellllllll buy out is too big Spanx lady now broke
Actually why are we surprised that Norvellllllllll acted like a child and threw a tantrum. This is the same guy who used Covid as an excuse not to...
Camera angles were terrible most of the night. Looks like the truck could not decide which shot to use and got caught changing live shots mid or...
Let’s also not forget 63-3 to end their “regular season national title.” They swore that was just an abnormality. No, Holes. It wasn’t!
I agree. We have been calling for Billy to go for the throat for 2.95 years now. I for one am glad he finally did that!
Is it something that comes in a red solo cup that some Nole fans seem to have a fascination with?
Good night all. Been a great turn around for our Gators! I am happy for Coach Napier and the team. Been a few years and it feels great to be a...
He just mad bro. Admin just hired his replacement behind his back.. err … I mean offensive coordinator for next year.
Remind me, what bowl game are the Holes going to this year? Also, I forgot. How did they do last year?
What would Deon do?