I’ve had time to think about it and we all know that F$U has zero class including their HC. This team has proven that year after year even under...
Semenholes………That’s all……
Great win for the Gator nation.
I live in Vegas and the A’s moving here is far from done. The current Tropicana site is not big enough and many locals do not want a ballpark on...
Damn. Kirby Smart with highlights.
Why doesn’t someone ask Ben Sasse? Love my Gators but their choices are coming back to haunt them.
Napier is gone but I agree that the house cleaning needs to start at a higher level. Looking at the current SEC, we are so far behind that it’s...
Never thought that we could be this bad. It’s time NOW to clean house. This season is gone. We need to start with Stricklin. I’m not usually one...
Let’s see what happens next week but Lagway is the real deal. He’s our future. We need to see him next week and a lot.
Wow. flat, flat, flat.
Wasn’t sure what to expect with this years team but I did expect us to at least compete this year. This is sad.
Wow, not what I thought would be happening with Vandy.
Bison moves ahead.
UF - 28 Canes - 10
Prayers for a full recovery.
Go UCONN. Screw Bama. Love it.
College football is seriously screwed up. Losing interest in it.
It was a good morning after all. Bye UGA and FSU!
Thug U will be left out of the final four. Michigan, Washington, Texas and Bama. Goodbye Semenholes.
Despise both teams BUT something satisfying about watching the Gumps and their fans squirm.