Yes, if only Republicans had nominated Ron DeSantis, Democrats would not be throwing a temper tantrum right now. :rolleyes: Even if Republicans...
Hard for me to read the current situation behind the scenes, but i actually don’t think it’s crazy to give Napier a little more rope based on what...
My only caveat is that the punishment should be proportional to the crime. But yes, everyone who broke the law on January 6th should be punished.
What I’ve gotten from this thread is that Trump makes comments similar to comments Hitler has made, but he is not Hitler 2.0 and we are not at...
Im not advocating anything. Im simply following the logic Democrats are espousing to its conclusion. You haven’t heard Trump compared to Hitler?
I think the answer is still yes, but that’s one man’s humble opinion.
If that duly elected official is Hitler 2.0 who will destroy democracy anyways, explain why the Hell not.
No, but he is largely seen as the catalyst for the Holocaust. With him, we know it happens, without him, it may not happen.
I don’t understand how so many people think it’s morally justified to kill baby Hitler to prevent mass genocide of the Jewish people along with a...
OP makes a pretty simple point that presents an interesting moral dilemma for Democrats, assuming they are being honest (big if). If Pence...
The example the OP chose to pick is unsurprising. Maybe this is a genuine critique on polarization, division, and projection. Maybe it’s an...
No. I’m just encouraging you not to waste your time given that your vote doesn’t matter. Your words, not mine.
My ballot was almost the exact opposite of yours. Surprised? :D
Then don’t vote.
If it’s so “obvious” he wouldn’t have bothered clarifying.
Okay, then why the need to clarify the statement?
I could give a rat’s ass about that. All the time, people incorrectly use “is” when speaking as opposed to “are” and vice versa. I’ll just share...
Yep, Biden is too senile to run for President, but not too senile to be President. His Administration is so great, yet Kamala Harris does...
I refuse to believe you actually think he said “supporter’s” instead of “supporters.” Not a single person hears that quote and thinks he meant...
Anyone who says this is either stupid or believes the people they’re pitching it to are stupid. FWIW, I think you’re in the latter category.