The border is a mess. It’s been a mess for a while but the Biden admin burying their head in the sand and claiming over and over that their was no...
You have a brain that works!!!
Mods have an impossible job. We cannot and should not expect them to put their political leanings in a shelf. Nor should we expect them to mute...
And if you criticized those actions and are ok with Joey B doing this You are also a hypocrite.
Do we still h e a copy and paste paragraph limit? And Bill is right.. everyone on this board revels I. The opposition losing and them winning....
I understand where WDG is coming from but I do think circumstances can change things 1. It was an enclosed subway car. Once the threats were made...
One Anyone who abuses a child (especially sexually) should die. Full stop. End. Two Until Vegas popped in Nono e suggested this was something that...
Well It could be! There’s only 8 threads and it’s Xmas and I drove most of 14 hours yesterday and there’s eggnog.. lots of eggnog.. So yep! That...
And that’s not what is happening here… this is an attack on a mod/poster because they don’t like his threads . Ok Don’t open them. and I have non...
We had countless threads covering everything from Trumps diapers, to his senility, to his golf swing.. and several of our more liberal posters...
Wow So much whining about something so easily overlooked. Reminds me of several conservative posters back when Biden won. Oh well… both sides are...
So again. You are completely cool with the democrats lying rat leaders lying to the American public for years regarding the presidents...
I know everyone thinks otters are cute but they are vicious bundles or muscle teeth and claws. And they can be mean and aggressive . Glad they are...
So no wrong doing? No laws broken? There is a lot post on This board accusing Kushner of selling info to ME companies/countries.. and I wouldnt be...
Please find anywhere I said I was ok with Trump.. in any way. Now You are ok with the democrats lying to the American voters so that they can...
I didn’t say having a senile leader was the issue.. as I’m guessing you well know. The issue is that our democrat party leadership LIED...
I’m not a fan of pelosi and am more than willing to bash on her but this thread is about the congresswoman from Texas and the fact that she has...
That is completely unacceptable!
What did they find in the probe? Article is behind a paywall.
All of this is likely true… the issue with Biden is the fact that the Dem leadership covered it up. Not only did we have a puppet for a leader the...