All good then. Like I said.. my only issue was if that info had come to you cause of u being a mod.
If this info was info you gained through being a mod and it was not public knowledge you should NOT being sharing it now. I personally do not...
There will always be some that disagree with the president no matter what because he plays for the other team.. we can as it on this page all the...
Just stop. Napping is not the standard we measure by… Has he wandered aimlessly around the stage? Called on a dead person?
Great idea. I’d apply under all your different personalities/screen names.. you could collect two or three checks . Of course I’m no sure multiple...
Countries that have a high homogeneity tend to have lower crime rates ( according to studies.. not just me). It makes the prison systems less...
I’d normally agree with this idea of one thread but no… we all know it will become a cesspool of arguments, insults, and demeaning comments. It...
Clear firebreaks are a known deterrent. It absolutely would have helped. And yes.. large swaths are now essentially a firebreak. Those will not be...
Lots of desperation posts in this threads Some sound like the guy left partnerless at the dance who complains about the music being to loud, the...
Now that’s funny. No matter who you are that is funny.
Ahh Thank you. I wasn’t expecting you to prove my point for me.. but I appreciate it.
If you don’t like the comparison do t post like him. Ridiculous made up emotional garbage… hmmm Sounds like You two are cut from the same cloth.
Democratic leaders have known for a long time that Bidennwas not mentally fit to lead the country. They knew and they lied to the American people...
I hate to say this.. but I agree with Jo’s first paragraph. Arrest and charge anyone criminal or violent! Absolutely. Now.. do the same in all...
Japan is basically the polar opposite of the USA. For better or worse, right or wrong, the two are not comparable. Few freedoms.. fewer risks....
There is zero need to hold back federal helps none. Aside from the rich and famous, those that lost their homes are going to be hurting for years....
Both sides.. City and Gatorbill Two sides of the same coin :)
The first chief being a woman or lesbian has nothing to do with her incompetence. Now.. it may have a LOT to do with why she was hired for the...
I don’t consider Trumps actions as presidential. Selling bitcoin, sneakers, etc.. seems… mypillow guy ish. You may disagree and that’s fine…I just...
Wow. 1. Has Hegarty been proven to be a rapist, a drunk and a fraud. Please provide links. If not you are just lying. 2. How quick we all forget...