I read a recent study that looked at the health care systems of 11 high income countries. Canada was rated 10th. The USA was rated 11th by a huge...
Who are you to say that she has no common sense when you support the insanity that is going on right now in the Trump administration? Practically...
I have seen that video before. It's from when she was a student at Boston University. She's pleasant to look at and smart as all hell. She also...
If they have college degrees.
Bill, you're fair game when you make a statement like this. Do you realize how many times over this woman is smarter than you?
Excellent point. How long before he wears out his welcome at Georgia?
I despise Trump, but he is a great negotiator. For example, he only had to say 2 words to the Taliban to end the war in Afghanistan. The 2 words...
No. The correct answer is that every other coach would have started Cheese instead of bringing him off of the bench.
We are constantly putting down Mike White, and I am at the forefront in doing so, but let's give credit where credit is do; I can't think of...
You were right about Trump valuing American lives. Namely, himself and, possibly, a few of the members of his family.
More than 1.2 million have died in this country from Covid. 300,000 or more of them were under 65 years of age. My guess is that if there were no...
I already unblocked everyone, so I don’t think I’m able to figure out who I had blocked.
I am only 6 feet tall, but I might have been the leading blocker on these boards. I just unblocked all 38 posters who I had blocked. I believe in...
Chances are that most of these items are just completely made up bullshit, but for the ones that are real, how do you know that they are wasteful...
Casey had several flaws in his game. Unfortunately, he did not improve at all during his three years playing for Mike White. He was a tremendous...
I know. When I said a while ago that I was gonna block him, they were going to retaliate by putting a boot on one of my car wheels.
Let me preface my post by making it clear that I am not saying that you are a moron for reposting a moronic post. That being said, there was never...
That's chump change. Let's get rid of all federal government health care programs. That will save over $2 trillion per year.
You're not qualified to make that determination.