/s/ Chicom puppet party cheerlesder for the last 4 years when his puppet was... *in charge * (LMAO!!! Can't even type that shit with a straight...
How about "Doh! Biden" and "sKamala"? Those still kosher? Asking for a friend.... :cool:
Trump's got a ways to go to match Doh! Biden's millions of missing voters from '20-'24 that either didn’t vote at all, or went Trump, upon...
Not until after the churches were neutered, and their (commie's) system has been exposed as woefully inadequate to the task of providing a decent...
It's always been secular. That's what separation of church and state means, and has always meant. Fortune for both/all of us--Catholic, atheist,...
1st tenet of your beloved communism is to outlaw God. "...religion is the opiate of the ppl...". Why do you suppose that is? Why must your...
Lefties praying like hell for US to face plant. To whom do the godless pray? Who knows. Perhsps I should say the lefties are praying TO Hell......
Voters in waiting... Voter larvae.... Voters seedlings.... Ie-POWER!!!
Fair take. (Crazy rare for you, but...props).
@#$%$@& wut????
I was referring to education. We sucked. Out. Loud. For decades, under democrat rule.
/s/ gal who voted for the clown show that preceded the current admin, and Queen clown to continue the circus.... Lol! Yeah, you got cred...
See above. New to Florida?
Are you new to the State or something? This place was eastern Mississippi under the dems, who ruled for decades. Healthcare is booming in Fla,...
Like prosecuting policians you don't like, and calling it "law enforcement." Y'all's weenies drew first blood, missed your mark, and are whining...
Of course we can just continue spending like drunken sailors in a spending orgy, without ever having to worry about any consequences at all, ever!...
Let's build a wall around California--at least until they get control of their skank contagions... Make em mask up, tested, and get *vaxed*...
Just stop with your clownish idiocy. She was targeting a specific subset of Americans, while you keep trying to spin it like she was blanketing...
Dumbass Minnesotans, voting for a Muslim who believes 90% of her own constituents are dumb AF, and infidels who must be kilt or converted......
Honest, not wrong. She's stupid AF, AND dead ass wrong.