Lord we deserve to lose…
Holding on by a thread… 21-19
21-10 but Clemson on the doorstep unfortunately. 4th quarter begins…
I’m here and we will need you pulling for us. Big 2 quarters ahead!
They were the better team start to finish. Of course our coach could not push the right buttons. Oh well….
No worries. Things seem to change in minutes… crazy time in sports
Dukes coach going to Texas AM.
In some cases the coach definitely needs to be let go. I am specifically talking about Texas A&M and their unrealistic expectations every single...
No matter who the coach will be the fans will run them out… IMHO
We know what we are at Kentucky in a tough as hell conference. Win 6 or 7 and sprinkle in a couple of nice years and that is great.
Bingo and we do love him for what he has done for UK football!
What a whirlwind of a day. So glad Stoops is staying at UK.
Mark Stoops is NOT leaving Kentucky!
Seriously doubt he goes there, however if he does what he has done for Kentucky has been amazing and one hell of a run for our football program.
Such a major gap between the SEC and the ACC! Good luck tonight
Thank you very proud!!! It takes a lot not to want to punch all those Louisville bastards in the mouth!! Go Cats!!
He damn well better! Lol
Stoops is a damn good coach. We have been very blessed to have him at UK. I’m 46 years old and what he has done at Kentucky has been damn...
Go Gators!! Make Capel cry!!
Im fine with that being our ceiling. I expect us to play well at Louisville.