Good. I absolutely despise the NBA.
Scott Drew it is…..looks like it anyhow.
I personally do not like Donovan as he has been out of college way too long with all the changes. He has never wanted to come and some people are...
I hope he does.
No thank you
Been told this is a fake tweet.
I absolutely love it! We were going nowhere with him at the helm. You know I have been preaching this since 2015. Our AD needs to hit it out of...
Yes this date may be a holiday in my house from now on. I'm fine with having to start from the ashes. It makes it more fun :)
We will lose them all except for Perry. The positives outweigh the negatives.
lol… I’ve been excited before. Wished we did this after 2015 but I digress. If this happens we are a complete rebuild, but I am ready for it.
So your telling me there is a chance….. lmao
That is the least of our problems! We have too many to discuss and Calipari is back again. I may have to sit next year out, however my fandom is...
It is going to be an interesting next 96 hours indeed.
At this point I don’t even care as long as there is a change. It has to be a complete change. It has to be someone that puts UK first instead of...
Family first for sure. I got a bird feeder camera so I will be enjoying that. You are right as it does sting less as I’m growing older. Good luck...
Good luck to you guys tonight. I hope you roll them!
Lol he’s an egotistical prick. He will make no changes.
I think it was two years ago as I’m 47 now. I am done with UK until he is gone.
Thanks for the reminder. If only people would have seen what I did so long ago! Oh well. I honestly don’t think I will watch again until there is...