They more than anyone outside the SEC, have a established history of coming down to Florida and taking some of its best HS talent. Ohio State...
Lets not also forget to mention, that social media also gave birth to the use of acronym's in lieu of constructing a complete sentence
He doesn't possess burner speed, as he was just running upper 11 second times in Track last year in the 100. Has a brother that played at Pitt and...
So apparently the Gator coaching staff is aware of Hayden, mom indicated today she recieved a text from a Gator coach, with a attached video of...
1984, Pell assembled a squad that among the starting 22 were all NFL Caliber, they were physical between the tackles on offense, and intimidating...
his senior year at Berkley he ran a 11.85 100 and a 22.44 in the 200
Soph (Jabari Brady), also on that Monarch football team also at the WR position is 6 foot 2 @190lbs, caught more passes and for more yards than...
Lot of the boards I went to post loss to the Bucs last week, were very critical of Johnson and his handling of the Eagles offense this season.
6'5" 190lbs?????? That young will have to spend a considerable amount of time becoming a man, before he'll be allowed to get anywhere close to a...
Im sticking to my prediction that Myles becomes a instant starter and star on defense next season! Big time difference maker!
Since I've moved back to Florida, the closest I've come to the Commerce area (where I lived) is Spalding County where my wife is from.......have...
When Hayden was a middle school student, Mom lived in Jackson County where I lived at. They sold the house and bought a new home to ensure Hayden...
Seems to me this situation just from the few facts Im aware of, gives off air of being a "cluster", that those with oversight authority were well...
Believe he's flying alittle bit under the radar at this point, but he was offered by Georgia Tech today. His Mom is a former co-worker, plays at...
Yeah when you're obviously not operating at a competitive level nationally, if not at times at train wreck levels and you still end up front and...
We all know the danger of counting our eggs before they hatch, but get Grimsley and suddenly all of the wailing and nashing of teeth (me...
I see so many HS TE's here in Florida, with nice size and able to catch the ball, but nine time out ten they loose me when I watch them unable to...
I indicated a organization will undoubtly have its humble beginings, to me once again either your in or your not! If the decision is made to not...
We're also not talking 100's of millions of dollars here, by Hal's own admission we'ew only talking 10's of millions of dollars. You're free to...
Its his take, but I have to say I dont agree and feel that his post amounts to nothing more then setting the premise of making excuses. I'll...