Ugly - read through the comments did not watch video. If as described they deserve the harshest punishment available. Gen pop is okay with me....
Once again, we obviously are not masters of our domain. People elected not to get vaccine? Must be Trump’s fault. Obesity, age, poor exercise...
Insincerity is the enemy of clear language- George Orwell
11/5/24 Apparently the Democrat Party and our government health bureaucracy. Hence: Trump and RFK, Jr. Next question?
Pure deflection and speculation ejaculation
Who was held accountable for the botched handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal? 13 Marines dead US citizens left in country Tens of Billions of...
LOL @ all the lefties moving the goalposts. Post election: “Trump will destroy the USA immediately” Now: “Trump’s numbers not as good as...
Yawn. An ineffectual body of Senatorial-like bloviators who talk, and talk, and talk. Wow, we should really care about this group. UN is right...
reminds me of the old joke where the guy says his credit card has been stolen and somebody is using it to make unauthorized charges. Someone ask...
Bill - Definitions are helpful here: FACT - anything that sheds a bad light on Trump LIES - Anything that sheds a good light on Trump. Clear?
Wow...what a swing and miss. He stated the exact opposite. I'll call you Gumby because you're twisting yourself and your argument to such ends...
So, someone describes me as “tall, skinny guy who was wearing a Rolex and drove off in an Acura”. I’m 5’ 9” and weigh 200 lbs, have a nice watch...
Im not trying to do anything. The selective quoting you did missed this opening: “I take it you’re not one of the thousands working diligently...
you would be incorrect Thanks for contributing
Yessirree, Bob, we are one month in the Trump 2.0 and so far all of us are comfortably bloviating here on the internet. No Lefties hauled off...
Dan Rather ruined a great career by lying about GWBush...20 years later, same ole, same ole from CBS. Not much "progress" from a progressive POV.
Stated above: "Trump was promoting free speech when he banned the AP because they didn’t use his made up name?" Please provide the link wherein...
It’s a “general” blasting of advocacy folks who hate Trump and oppose him on that alone. Very specific actually, nothing about those who oppose...
That's the magic, man...that's the magic ;)
Brennan was arguing AGAINST free speech - saying that free speech was used by the NAZIs to conquer Germany and do their evil. Clueless. Advocacy...