If Billy does get fired at some point this season, I will patiently wait for the inevitable ESPN article where they interview many anonymous SEC...
I guess times have just changed. Maybe Florida just isn’t a football state anymore. Maybe it’s just not a great sports state anymore. FSU and...
Dude, he can just fly a plane to Florida and recruit. Or he can just text or FaceTime recruits in Florida. No coach needs to come to UF to recruit...
Sometimes you just don’t need to think and make the obvious decision.
This is what happens when you lie on your resume and still get the job….
UF has money. Don’t let anyone tell you they don’t. His buyout is chump change compared to the money they have. Plus wealthy boosters would...
We’re gonna get punked on our home field more often than not this season.
If this turns into a blowout then you have to fire Billy. Same mind boggling play calling, same defensive issues, same lack of discipline. I’m...
I’ve had this thought for a while now. I think UF is always at its best when they run a spread type offense paired with a physical and fast...
Learn to home brew some beer. It’s a fun hobby that becomes an all day task. Plus it’s cheaper per beer than buying it at a grocery store.
If this is true, then I’m guessing Clemson and FSU will be SEC members in 2025. I just don’t see UF and USCe getting enough support in the current...
“If Spyre is found by the NCAA to be a representative of Tennessee's athletic interests, that relationship could be a violation.” Aren't all...
I bet more will be joining that supposed number. IMO, the end game for this is to ban the use of collectives for NIL. Everyone knows they’re sham...
No, but they shell out a lot of money for broadcasting rights. That alone gives them some major influence.
I don’t recall hearing it. That’s just the narrative that ESPN is pushing. That’s how you know they won’t be stripped. ESPN/ABC, CBS and Fox are...
Yeah. The NCAA lost its marbles years ago.
So what’s the chances Michigan gets this Natty stripped due to the sign stealing scandal?
I’m saying Michigan wins. Solely due to the fact that the NCAA is overdue to strip a team of a national championship for cheating.
Yeah. You’re reading that right. Dude just wasn’t a fit for the defense. No shame in that. Also, it’s purely speculation so don’t get all passive...
Happy New Year Gator Nation! May 2024 be blessed for you all!