“I won and want to rub your nose in it!”
Thx Bazza! Great game by your boys today Probably put the nail in BK’s coffin.
Hate to see any player get hurt.
ETN out.
A clear middle finger to America.
Dude, Rainey was fired from the Steelers for slapping his girlfriend and knocking her to the ground after chasing her. Kinda puts him on the same...
I’ll see your Colbie Young and raise you a Chris Rainey.
We all have our Huntley Johnson’s…
Congrats to the Rebel Land Sharks. That was an old fashion ass whooping. My dad was from Grenada MS and was a huge Ole Miss fan. Hope he’s...
Guys, guys, guys…don’t hijack a thread that should center on how bad UGA sucks this year.
Lol. UGA has produced 24 Rhodes Scholars but Walker damn sure wasn’t one of them. I’m much more upset about him claiming to have been a FBI...
Walker said at a Macon rally “Vote for my friend and your friend Donald Trump Junior. Donald Trump. Jonald J. Trump.” Walker also lied about...
When the kidneys and liver start getting weaker toxins build up in the brain. I had it too and it can get bad. Hopefully the meds he’ll be on will...
Sadly a sign of the times Princess. Hope they ban them.
I was a software engineer. Math minor. Worked with Electrical/Computer engineers. I can assure you practically NO factory jobs are “engineering”...
Using the OP’s logic, Dems that put their lives on the line for their beliefs must be patriots and heroes too. When will the memorial statue of...
This country is so divided that I doubt it will ever change. After almost dying this year, my priorities changed. Leave my Medicare and Social...
Don’t usually see “Trump” and “morally” in the same sentence.
Got my new liver there. God Bless Texas.
I refuse to wear black knee socks and Bermuda shorts.