He is The Swamp.
OU fans talked a lot of crap before the game about how they were going to dominate the SEC. Made me root for UT. Kirby always says “you’re only a...
Won’t stand…
Not what I posted about. Not interested in speculation.
My degree was in Computer Science and my minor was Mathematics. Don’t think I’ve criticized you but can logically understand why it would happen.
My Brother…My blood… I took my youngest son to see them in PCola in 2009. He was 16, I was 53. Disrespect seemed the theme of the night. Sat in...
Thx for your kiss of death for UK!
No way this is the #1 team in the land. Ranking Monday, assuming UGA wins tonight: Texas Bama UGA
The Haitians are LEGAL immigrants and not a result of the border Trump failed to secure.
I like the Dawgs in this one. Does UK come out playing for pride after last week?
The majority of Americans disagree with this assertion. And you can’t ask the million+ that died of Covid while Trump wanted “light or bleach”...
FTR, I said nothing about Trump’s connection to the insurrection. I simply remarked, based on the comments about the “daring” nature of MAGA...
Dare to don? Courage like those that attacked our Capitol and wanted to hang our VP? Those heroes?
It was never “scheduled,” Trump threatened to pull out of the ABC debate if he didn’t get his yes-men moderators and a room full of MAGAs. Harris’...
It’s possible to find so many faults with a candidate that it forces deeper analysis. And folks can do so without having juvenile crap thrown at them.
The Bridge on the River Kwai - a classic. As mentioned by @108, Whiplash was a great movie and is being re-released to theatres next month....
She’s no Dan Quayle.