Has nothing to do with GC
T Based on new Pentagon data collected for the first time in history, it is estimated that the number of currently serving transgender troops is...
Worth a complete read of the article. A comprehensive law or rule is step 1. Does a trans bowler gain an advantage? Fishing? Equestrian? Archery?...
It’s reasonable to have english as the language of the government Business? No. 68 million in USA don’t speak english
more like state of disunion A pathetic display I love my country. I vote in every single election I’ve volunteered and work for politicians....
Indiana GA Tech, Arky and Mizzou all ahead of f$u
Put together BP of 10-20 k — better than any wall.
answer the original post question, no no invasion literal or at all
I disgraceful display today I am ashamed for my country
ended in 1973. NEVER coming back
15,000 serving our country
$15 mil tor the Vibranium Card
Oh brother the whining by OP. Silliness of ‘arrogance’ usage. These are the only 2 conferences worth a shiite. We all know that The day it went...
I am patients
100% on Trump
The straw man chimes in. FAQs and Links | Milo's Be Straw Free Campaign https://www.ourlaststraw.org/facts-figures Plastics contain more than...
Such an odd and weird thing to say. Did you bother to read the article ? I say you didn't. The proposal has carveouts. A coach can use a...
I am GOP and didnt vote for the veteran hating adulterer. He has dementia no doubt. Makes up entire conversations.
Five hundred million straws are used each day by people in the United States alone.[2] Plastic straws are one of the most widely used, and...