In your extensive research, did you learn that the covid vaccine candidate using an HIV protein never made it past the phase 1 trials?
Note from the Editor: Legal Update | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft Georgia officials concluded that there was no widespread voter fraud by...
When Biden took office in January of 2021, SNAP spent 8.68 billion to serve 42.13 million people. July of 2024 is the most recent month we have...
Three series by Ewers, done nothing with them. When do the Texas fans start calling for Manning?
“The pandemic saw Americans, distrustful of authority, trying to discredit effective vaccines, spreading conspiracy theories, and attacking...
What a ride.
WOW!! Typed this too soon
What a finish
You disagree politically with the author, but what did they say that wasn't true?
Which things did the writer claim to be fact that are actually misinformation?
Many of the problems in our current politics are because we are inhabiting different realities. And the shift hasn't been accidental. I’m Running...
Versus assuming that the FEMA people have time to be watching DeSantis' press conference?
Disappointing, I really liked his approach to governance.
Through their chain of command? Is this some kind of a trick question?
I think that is the point that sinks this. I just can't imagine there are people out there who aren't itemizing that this would be enough to push...
While neither candidate is fiscally conservative, Trump is clearly less fiscally conservative than the other option.
When people show you who they are, believe them. One of the sad things about the Trump years is that so many people who had learned to cover up...
They also didn't probe how he wiped out a huge amount of debt without enough reported income to do so.
The full quote from Harris: For those following along at home, notice that the words attributed to her are missing from her statement.