Hate to lose Chatman but in today’s climate it’s the norm. IMO CBN has got better evaluating and hiring new coaches. He’s going to have to be....
Agree. Bobby and candy are the AWSOME in awesome recruiting.
He’s not been fired because he has made great strides in cleaning up the mess he inherited at the worst possible time in the history of college...
Great insight, Candy. Thanks.
I tried to post the audio but couldn’t figure it out. 1963 song by Jimmy Soul “If you want to be Happy “. Seems appropriate here.
I would welcome an accomplished, proven OC. That said, CBN watched and led this offense for 2 1/2 years and it was inconsistent and...
Donovan’s lone HC experience before UF was Marshall and Golden’s was San Francisco U. CBN’s was U Louisiana. Very similar HC ing Resumes. I will...
Respectfully disagree, 244. I dealt with managers for many years who were afraid to hire young assistants and dept heads because of little or no...
I like the hire. Young, high energy coach with good resume and pedigree. Hope this doesn’t affect Will Harris negatively. He has been a dynamite...
CBN has built a very impressive roster from the ground up. Established a strong relationship with Florida’s high school coaches, shown an eye for...
Bear with me: I’m a slow learner. But after CBN ‘s first two years it occurred to me that we had never effectively run or even attempted to run a...
Well stated Gatorhead. Only thing you didn’t touch on is the incessant drama by the actors during pre game and play by play, about 9/10 of which...
Thanks Smooty. Appreciate the time and effort. Pick’Em is fun.
I wholeheartedly agree that SOS should be factored into teams chosen, but unfortunately, some of the best teams, including the two in last nights...
Clay Millen was also a good pickup. Just don’t have a clue about his status. Aiden Warner may turn out to be a great addition before all is said...
That’s a very high bar Wanne. But it should be high, just maybe not that high.
Being able to laugh at yourself is a good thing. Wonderful sense of humor and a funny guy who was a good ball player in spite of what he said...
It does say Ring of Honor and UM is not a great example of that characteristic. But as Skink mentions he engineered unprecedented success in his...
With that background you definitely have a pass from me, ocalaman.