If you gave Napier Tom Brady in his prime we would still be a 7-5 team. The issue isn’t the players
Fans can blame Billy for losses. Year 3. Every team has injuries each week. If your argument is to keep Napier because he lost because of “bad...
Team played hard. Bur when has close losses to Georgia and other ranked teams been something to be happy about at UF. Losing close games to rivals...
No. We lost
Good game
4 minute drive TD, 2 point conversion
Coming up
Pick 6 coming followed by herbstreit crying
Commentators stopped pretending to be unbiased
Georgia is not an elite team. Take a shot at it I’d rather lose by 2-3 scores knowing we at least tried to win. Running isn’t going to win the game
At some point you gotta throw the ball downfield. Not sure we will try
Time for the defense to put the team on its back with a pick 6
Georgia about to start the water boy defense and take a knee every play
I agree we need to temper expectations but the qb had nothing to do with that play
When Georgia starts running double reverse you know they’re worried
Thank you
Even if minor, I can’t imagine the trainers would allow him in 3 weeks
Love how herby got fact checked. Clown
Great end of the half. I haven’t been a huge Napier supporter but I’ll eat crow if he can pull this off