The same people that allow 150 year olds to receive Social Security?
They are all criminals. We are just supporting one of the criminals, and he just got bitch slapped. Let him fly back to Ukraine with his tail...
Why doesn’t this ever happen to me? If this can happen at a sophisticated financial institution, it can certainly happen in government. Yet...
You mean under the bridge? I would be willing to bet you anything if I poll everyone sleeping under a bridge, more than 80%, if not 95%, voted...
Porn and liberals go hand in hand.
Let me guess. Fauci funded this crap.
I prefer to be a dumbass than have a mental illness.
I swear being a liberal requires you to have a mental illness.
What would you prefer for me to call them? Mental disorders?
What gets me is how worked up athiests get with Christians or other religions. Believe what you want to believe, but there is no reason to...
Never purchased it. I think the only people that made money on it, bought it the same night it was announced, and sold it the next day or two.
I guess the liberals will never use the $250 bill. So more for the Republicans. Can’t wait to see liberals burning $250 bills. I guess the bigger...
Typical liberal. Liberalism is a mental illness.
For the liberals, the Harvard Poll is considered to be in the center.
81% support deporting criminal illegal immigrants. 76% support a “full-scale effort to find and eliminate fraud and waste in government.” 76%...
Regardless. Is he wrong? Democrats love to shoot the messenger when the message is correct. At least you are consistent.
Mark Cuban finally says the truth about his own party. Democrats are incompetent. [MEDIA]
What I don't understand is if America is dumbing down, and we are too stupid, then go back to your own country. No one is stopping you. Obviously...
The Democrats keep burying themselves. These types of comments are dangerous and support the idea that Democrats believe they are smarter than...