I am just trying to understand the other side as to their rational.
I know whenever I have liberal thoughts, I report it to my therapist. ;)
This explains everything, especially this board!!! I knew liberalism was a mental illness. The authors also found that the more educated a teen’s...
Let me illustrate what almost every country in the world will look like when a Democrat is elected again. [img]
Wrong. They will be begging for money if and when the next Democrat is elected. They are never going away.
There’s your quote. Ignore it if you wish like a liberal. Guess you can’t read. The US Government is the largest single donor of aid in the...
Not sure what your point is. The quote is from the article.
There’s a lot of truth to that. It called mentally ill.
You are incorrect spouting nonsense. That quote is from the UN. Read the article or can you read? Are you arguing with an article from the UN? Or...
Good question.
Why should the US provide 40% of all humanitarian aid? There is over 195 countries in the world, yet we provide 40% of all humanitarian aid. Glad...
Typical liberal. You are wrong but deny you are wrong by shifting the blame to someone else. I said billions. The US has given out over $3.8...
You are of course wrong if you think USAID provided all foreign assistance. Of course, I wouldn’t expect anything more from a liberal. In...
How did I lie? I said billions, if not trillions. Billions is correct. We have no idea how much the ultimate figure is as there are many sources...
Ummmm. Are you saying USAID is the only government entity sending money overseas? You may want to check your sources. You are severely uninformed.
Right. The rest of the world is no longer robbing us blind anymore. I am sure they are not happy about that. Thank god billions if not trillions...
Doubtful. If Kamala became President, she would have still lost the election. Her incompetence would have become more obvious and Trump would have...