Might want to put a TV in the head. That's where we are stationing you from here on out.
Monster game
Game Really This time GAME
Well, dang
Now THAT is game!!!!
Whooo Hooooo!
TD!!!! What a drive
Mad great catch!!!!!
Lane gonna have a long talk with his equipment guy on the ride home.
Awesome stop!
Best call
If that is a catch then Florida ball
Not a catch
Banks does not look well
Which also calls into question all the pre-snap nonsense. Which might be useful to indicate who was going to be left uncovered, but only if we...
Best Cartoon show Ever
Frankly this TOP is exactly what we needed on a night when the D was the better squad.
So proud of the players. They played hard, played together, and had fun. So proud of the fans, they rocked the place and have obvious chemistry...
Is this Napier's first Not Supposed to Win Win?