Yup. Right up there with playing golf, hosting a fake reality show, and bankrupting casinos. VERY VERY responsible.
So domestic crime will increase, will it not?
OMG. Your are bringing in garbage from Liz Crackpot, the Q Anon lady? How can anyone take you seriously? You been hanging out in Area 51 again?...
And the strategy is probably to slow-walk remaining expenditures until budget negotiations for the upcoming fiscal deadline. If these folks cannot...
Congress sets the budget and allocates funding for USAID. They determine how much goes to each of the 4 main categories. After the funds are...
He always does.
California's Attorney General is a chief executive position overseeing a dept of more than 5000 employees with a budget exceeding 1 billion...
No discussing .... because you come off as deliberately not engaging in a real discussion. If the words bias or racism are mentioned, what we are...
Shiny object over here! Let's find fraud!!!! Meanwhile, government and taxpayer data systems are now in the hands of "volunteer" private...
It is when those "biases" are acted upon to disenfranchise or demean entire groups that results in racism. You cop out and suggest that bias is...
It's now THE DEMS responsibility to counteract all this? Really?!?! How 'bout concerned Repub citizens and their elected representatives, or...
Sure you did.
Not an excuse at all. Obviously racial scapegoating and bias still exist today. So Rick, how do you propose we overcome our racial divisions?...
Until this country fully recognizes and admits it was founded on racial inequality, perpetuated it for 400 years, and there is alive today...
If people did not want to vote for Trump or Haley or DeSantis, they didn't have to. No-one twisted voters' arms. It's odd to me that Trump...
You are being far too kind. Political stunt, done on the fly without consulting regional water officials.
If you were truly worried about America's children, you would not support the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
What a complete total dipstick. Stable genius, indeed.
Your ( that's you, citizen) government is being hijacked. Musk and/or his minions have already been embedded in Office of Management & Budget and...
And what happens when thousands of federal workers are displaced from their jobs and livelihood. If rehired, it will likely be under private...