$Trump is a little brat. Causes anyone working under him to lose all integrity and honor. Do people really enjoy behaving this way?
Per multiple news outlets today: Republican infighting is causing problems with budget negotiations. Some highlights: The House wants one large...
Oh my. Since the military is now opposed to the bogeyman DEI, and wants women and minorities to generally not bother, it will be the young white...
Perhaps at one time, your ancestors did not belong here either.
You are talking about seasoned, trained intelligence personnel. They are not robots. This is not plug and play. Sheesh.
Especially when DOGE cuts the V.A., as it was announced they intend to do.
Bizarre and a violation of international law. Full stop.
Wonder what the other four members of Five Eyes (FVEY) will think of massive changes at CIA?
Of course he did. Along with Hosseini.
You seem convinced Elno and his co-President are invincible. I highly doubt it.
I have zero problem with them being Gators, per se. But their personal & political actions have nothing to do with U.F.
Both traded their integrity for political advancement and to shill for $Trump.
GINOs. They don't reflect the values of Gators that I came up with.
All these cuts being wildly celebrated mean nothing without context. Funds cut = lives and businesses upended with no warning = major economic...
You don't seriously believe the military - industrial complex in this country will sit idly by for massive Elon cuts, do you?
Reality check, lol. (Unfortunately my sense of humor ain't working real well this week ... )
pandering: appease, gratify or indulge in a negative or self-serving way
Really don't understand your POV about libs and Trump. Your point? The U F. Board of Trustees hired Sasse. The Board is loaded with major...
Love the Coen Brothers
BIG PICTURE. Essentially we're in a government restructuring similar to venture capitalists taking over a company. Lots of cash will be...