By virtue of the pardon Hunter is immune from the law therefore he is above it.
But Hunter WAS pardoned by his father, the President. So he is immune from incarceration as well. Right? I guess it isn't JUST the President that...
He wasn't good enough to win a natty. Porky probably told him to move on. He will make more money in college than pro.
Has your hair grown back yet?
The judge could have sentenced him. He is not in office yet last time I checked. Your "King" comment is a bit dramatic. :rolleyes: By that logic,...
Looks like the punishment fit the crime. LOL
Didn't we annex Ohio back in the mid to late 2000's? :D:D:D
Lol story of his life. Dude always loses the big one.
Problem is that I do Big Game James franklin always chokes.
Brutal INT
Tied up again! Let’s go! As boring as the 1st half was, at least we have a game now. I am so tired of these playoff games being blowouts!
Both teams should just run the single wing from here on out. :rolleyes:
We all know what playing not to lose does for a team. Both teams need to open it up now and try to win. Against a good offensive team, they both...
After watching the playoff so far, if the Gators get in next year look out.
Hell of a TD run there. Wow!
No kidding, my whole point was that this guy threw the ball well at Duke and they rarely let him throw it at ND. When they throw the ball they...
Hard to believe that it was Kelly holding them back. At least they had a modern day offense. I believe that Kelly took them to the champ final and...
Well they did let him throw 1 pass.
I just don’t see how this is the offense that someone thinks is going to win a national championship in 2025.
Looks like coaches have more confidence in the backup throwing the ball. Weird.