Wow. Talk about a sub 80 IQ. Look in the mirror.
Did you actually believe that paper masks were going to help? Did you believe that rushed vaccines were the answer. We have no idea what the...
Trump upset the ole boy network. They don’t like that. Open your eyes sheep.
If you actually believe this then I feel sorry for you. You have been brainwashed. My condolences.
Most “fact checking” comes from the left. This is why they are up in arms when “fact checkers” are let go. They lose control of the narrative.
They claim a monopoly on censorship disguised as fact checking and these morons buy it. Unbelievable! They will believe anything that the...
I feel bad for you if you actually believe this. Did America turn into a fascist state last time Trump was President? I will help you out here...
Has anyone checked on gator_jo? She might be dying her hair and then shaving her head again. The Sunny news and then this. It might be too much.
Dumb and Dumber. She might be the biggest idiot in the world. He must be a close second to marry her. He still has to pass the other idiots on...
Not a surprise. I don’t expect it to be close. I hope I am wrong.
When the #7 and #8 seeds are in your final, there is a significant problem with the seeding.
Gosh, I can’t pick one. My hate is too strong for both!
And the annual Shoot Yourself in the Foot award goes to: Sark - Texas
Agreed. The only worse matchup would be clowns vs leg humpers.
I guess we just need to root for the meteor in this championship game. Yuck!
Wow. Game over. Crazy.
Gut check time for Texas.
Never seen one. Everyone is a victim of the refs.