Also, in INB4: Officer Brass Knuckles: ‐Two previous lawsuits settled due to his excessive force. - Numerous complaints -Fired from the previous...
The dude getting punched in the face with handcuffs used as brass knuckles is going to look rough. If he already looks like that immediately...
We got screwed by Groundskeeper Willy.
Vandy 250 Florida 250 Kentucky 250
And a little Copaganda from Kissimmee as the icing on the coverup cake.... [MEDIA]
[MEDIA] Kissimmee Police Department is going through so things.... They entered a home without a warrant and then vioated thier use of force...
My GF is from that area and she took me there one day. Pretty dang good!
Oklahoma 100 LSU 100 Kansas St 100
There's a certain poster on Too Hot that would be proud of these cops, bringing thugs to justice... [MEDIA] Or these cops out of Broward Co, Fl....
I'm pretty sure I saw someone in a game over the weekend, can't remember which one, that was shown taking off his jersey on the sideline and he...
Do we get mulligans in this game? If so, mulligan.
I was hopong Auburn could force a field goal there and take this thing into overtime.
Missouri 100 A&m 100 Lsu 100
The least shocking thing I've seen today, lol. Definitely sketch worthy. This is up there with cops shooting themselves in the classroom.