Nothing more exciting than an overtaking wave over the transom, right? Already there at the moment.
So, are we gettin' anybody Wednesday (NSD)? Konanbanny? Also, CB Blake Alderman reclassifying to 2025 and visiting UF.
Navy term from the sailing days. When someone retires from the Navy, they are also wished fair winds and following seas.
Maybe he should roll the dice and head to UNLV. ;) Mullen could use him. I believe that takes this class up to 8th in the composite rankings.
Maybe Ms. Spanx will decommit from fsu like Brady Schmiegelhoffenbacherweil did. She can hit the booster portal then and support a team that will...
So, you're sayin' there's a chance...
I'd really like to crash that party. Interesting they still show four SEC teams while the country is claiming that the SEC is dead after not...
Hey, it's just Hero worship anyway. ;)
Them's fightin' words. This could be fun to watch. ;)
Don't spoil my dream, man! ;) It's great that both seminole fans are willing to accept mediocrity next year.
Hopefully not to commemorate the recent hurricane of the same name.... ;)
House of Cards coming down around Norvell.
When I think of Ahmad Black, I can't see anything but that game-changing brute-force interception in Miami at the National Championship. Burned...
Ohio State Defensive Tackle Hero Kanu Enters Transfer Portal | Eleven Warriors 14 Tackles in two years. Apparently just visited Texas, too.
Vegas hasn't gotten it right yet. Last year I predicted 7-8 wins while Vegas predicted 3.5. This year I'm going out on a limb and predicting 9....
Really helpful, Donzo. Thanks.
With the addition of Harrison Bailey, we are 87th in the transfer portal now per 247. So, that's a little better. But, I was wondering about...