Keep thinking that. Then tell me why: 1) Trump has suspended making it illegal to bribe foreign officials. 2) Trump is ignoring court orders. 3)...
The silence from the other side is deafening. They conveniently ignore this, probably because it is either indefensible, or they support it.
I guess one of the silver linings to all of this is if the Catholic Church and other religious organizations aren't using US tax dollars to spread...
More like, the person "auditing" your bank account: 1) accessed it illegally, 2) happens to be a person being paid by your bank account for...
Yeah, but then again I am not a libertarian, so I can at least pretend to know how the real world works.
I am just glad the last guy had the economy humming, we hadn't lost World War 1 in recent years, and we don't have a bunch of security-starved...
Trump's entire world view is that the US should be cut off from the world and every major power should have their own sphere of influence. China...
Fundamentally, I try to be a fair person, but I may have crossed the line. Usually I try to empathize with folks before I come back at them....
And yet here you are, endlessly posting GIFs in return to posts you obviously don't have the knowledge to debate intelligently or refute. Which...
The same Bibi Netanyahu Trump pushed his chair in for the other day? What a coincidence! Who the hell is running this country Elon or Bibi?...
He's a man child with delusions of being the hero is his own video game, while the rest of us clearly see him as what he is - a villain with no...
You left out "the oligarchs of this" country part.
Not clear on who is playing on whose team yet? Let me make it clear......
What's the big deal if China finds the cure for cancer before we do, gets rich, and is able to buy our country from Donald Trump for pennies on...
If I have to explain to you what reserved powers are, there's no point in discussing anything with you.
Complete bullshit. A perfectly healthy neighbor left a beautiful wife, family, and life behind due to COVID. There was no way to determine you...
Every person at work I knew who died was one of these folks - 3 total. It was the most insane self-own I have ever witnessed - voted for Trump,...
Because people shouldn't have to consider 50 different states' laws if they want to take a job in another place or have to move to take care of an...
Says the people who incite mobs to violence to storm our Capitol to beat and kill law enforcement because they lost an election. Cry me a river!
Just what Putin ordered! Hey Trump, ruin the United States standing in the world, get your NGOs who fight against despots out of all the...