I wax my palms from time to time.
Bunch of rookies. I've sworn off sex with men for 63 years. Biden should have given me the Freedom Medal!
The lunatic fringe definitely wants to burn it down in one day, and they're the ones who get all the media attention. If the Democrat party wants...
What a great idea! Instead of the children's table, have the liberals' table!
Nothing says this to me like watching our players sing the alma mater after the game yesterday. Money can't buy the youthful enthusiasm and...
5 letters? Unnecessary censorship.
It isn't an SEC connection. It's us. He's a huge Gator fan.
How long has it been since we made the other team cry? Man, it's good to see that again. It's good to hate to see the season end again, too.
I can't quite trust the process yet, but it sure is nice to believe there is one.
Marco Wilson is not a Gator. Those walk on kids that work their asses off for four years to give our star players someone to sharpen their swords...
He did us a favor. The final score would have been 69-20 if he had played.
The man lived rent free in your heads because you let him. I mean from Joe Biden down to this forum. Look in the mirror if you want to know why...
Juicy Smouellet is back!:)
Hopefully, he withdrew in time.
The AG nomination was an escape plan for him. I don't think he wants to go back and face that report.
The nomination for AG may have been an escape plan. He may not want to go back with what he's going to be facing now. That report will come out...
Trump just removed a perv from Congress. Excellent leadership!
It's actually a second encounter with the same girl at the same party.
Link? Never mind, it's like asking for a link when someone says water is wet. He already resigned from the House. Is he totally screwed now?