How in the world you took my post to make Trump a hero is beyond me. Are you so obsessed with Trump that it colors everything that you see, to the...
The really sad thing about the Access Hollywood video is that Trump opened the door on what was going on in Hollywood, but no one bothered to look...
The first time I voted was when I was at UF. The polling place was an elementary school south of campus. I stood in line for two hours, but it...
I saw that movie in film class at UF. It also gave me chills at the end. I thought it was a very well-made movie.
Another example. Years ago my brother, a computer programmer, said that MSDOS was not the best operating system for personal computers, but Bill...
I voted for it. We’ll see how it works.
This is some of the ballot language: The proposed amendment would: 1. Repeal constitutional protections against gerrymandering approved by nearly...
Since we’re talking voter registration, here’s something I’ve always wondered. There are a lot of people up north who have winter homes in...
I just finished The Undeclared War, which is on Peacock. It’s set in 2024 and surrounds British concerns of Russian cyber attacks on their...
Ohio has a constitutional amendment on the ballot to forbid politicians from taking part in drawing districts. The districts will be drawn up by a...
My wife asked me today if I thought the markets would react to the election. I said I don’t think they’ll be much movement regardless whose...