That would be hilarious since Texas in the 70s was a big promoter of the wishbone.
It will be interesting to see who Ohio’s Republican governor DeWine appoints to temporarily fill Vance’s senate seat. There will eventually be a...
I saw flashed on the screen that in one California congressional race, out of 120,000 votes the Democrat won by 9.
Numerous times over the last year, people on TH said they don’t understand how anyone can vote for Trump. I think in most cases it was just a way...
Just heard on CNN that the most Hispanic county in America, 97% Hispanic, hasn’t voted for a Republican since 1892. They went for Trump 57 to 41.
Right now on MSNBC one of the commentators is saying she received a text some time ago from a legislator in Pennsylvania who had a prison guard...
Fox calls PA for Trump.
Guy on MSNBC ragging on Harris campaign announcement to go home, wanting it to be a more rousing we’re still fighting type speech. He also said...
Harris told us all to go to bed so I think I’ll heed that instruction. :D
The FOX map guy just said he still thinks the blue wall might hold.
No, I voted third-party.
I remember the very first time I heard her while driving along in the car. She sounded interesting. After a few more times listening, however, it...
Just reported that Trump has 118,000 votes lead in Georgia and there are 100,000 votes still outstanding. CNN kept repeating these numbers and...
I don’t know if it’s been discussed in this thread, but when the officer was pummeling the guy who has bent over, what was the guy on the other...
Israel would be even funnier. She could spend her time snooping out the space lasers.
Local television just called that race the most expensive Senate race in American history. I really thought Brown would hold on. I think the ads...
I got daily desperation give me money texts from him.
That was strange. I thought all evening they were showing Harris leading and then boom Trump wins.
However, I really like their map guy. He is very good at quickly presenting the information. He doesn’t seem to be showing any bias.
An old Stealers Wheel song sums up the election for me: Clowns to the left me Jokers to the right